Thursday, October 29, 2015

Two TEDx Talks under 20 minutes on health equity

Recently, a coworker shared two wonderful TEDx talks on health equity. Think you don't have time for them? Think again! Both are under 20 minutes.

Caption contest!

Did you attend the road show in Colorado Springs? These two furry friends sure did.

The WWC team wants to thank participants who attended the road shows in both Glenwood Springs and Colorado Springs. We had fun connecting with you!

Comment below with your caption for the photo and favorite memory from either of the road shows! 

Let's connect: How to connect with CDPHE and fellow WWC agencies!

At the road shows, we had a great presentation about using social media to connect with clients, the public and funders. 

While WWC doesn’t have its own social media presence, we wanted to start by sharing the list of CDPHE social media outlets. Every division and program differs in what they provide. One of my favorites is the blog, COPrevent which is located under "Prevention services." 

With that said, CDPHE is also on Facebook, Twitter AND Instagram! The posts are more general to the environment and public health, however they are more consistent in posting relevant and time-sensitive material.

We’d like to help you improve your social media reach by liking and following your agencies on social media (and having other WWC agencies do the same). Please post links to your agency’s social media accounts in the comments section!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Help us welcome 10 new care coordination agencies!

In October, the Women's Wellness Connection executed care coordination contracts with 10 new agencies, two of which are solely care coordination grantees.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

WWC response to ACS guidelines

The American Cancer Society (ACS) recently released new recommendations for women at average risk for breast cancer. These recommendations more closely align ACS and U.S. Preventive Services Taskforce (USPSTF) guidelines and convey the overall movement towards less frequent breast screenings.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s Women’s Wellness Connection (WWC) program continues to align its breast screening policies with USPSTF guidelines. WWC believes the ACS recommendations are evidence-based, concerned with public resources, but also concerned about the negative health effects or harms of overscreening (i.e. overdiagnosis and false positives), particularly in younger women.

The importance of assessing a woman’s individual risk for breast cancer is even more essential as screening mammography guidelines continue to evolve. CDPHE and WWC encourage all women to talk with their healthcare provider about their risk for breast cancer and screening options. If you know someone that is in need of breast cancer screening and meets the criteria below, they may qualify for WWC. Please call the WWC referral number 1-866-951-WELL (9355) to schedule an appointment.

  • 40-64 years old
  • uninsured or underinsured
  • low-income
  • lawfully present
View the original article released by the American Cancer Society.

View the Journal of the American Medicine Association (JAMA) article where the infographic above was published.

How health care organizations can create equity in the community

Date and time: October 29, 2015, 2:00 PM ET

Guests will include:

  • Donna Abney, Executive Vice President, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
  • Kimberlydawn Wisdom, MD, MS, Senior Vice President of Community Health & Equity and Chief Wellness and Diversity Officer, Henry Ford Health System
  • John Whittington, MD, Lead Faculty, IHI Triple Aim; Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
  • Sandra Bailey, Vice President for Care Transitions, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
  • Joy Sharp, Manager, Community Navigators, Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare
  • Mara Laderman, MSPH, Senior Research Associate, IHI

New Presumptive Eligibility (PE) telephone number for BCCP Medicaid

The new telephone number for providers to call for a Presumptive Eligibility (PE) Medicaid BCCP identification number is 303-239-4357, option (1), option (3). WWC is working to update all forms to reflect this new phone number. We will notify you when they are available.

Asian Quitline Information

Did you know that there is an Asian Smokers' Quitline? Services are provided in Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese!

Ford partners with Lyft to provide free rides to treatment

Ford has partnered with Lyft, a peer-to-peer ridesharing program, on an initiative that will allow anyone in Lyft’s 60 US markets to request a free ride to and/or from breast cancer treatment. Patients that would like to request a ride can visit and click “get a ride” or “give a ride." Please share this information with your local communities and help Ford reach its goal of 10,000 rides!

Colorado State Innovation Model (SIM) Outreach Tour

The Colorado State Innovation Model (SIM) is conducting an outreach tour to spread the work about their word!

Join them in a town near you to find out how the Colorado SIM is working with stakeholders to promote integration of behavioral and physical health care. This transformation will accelerate the progress toward the Triple Aim of lower costs, better care and improved population health. It will also help Colorado to reach it's goal of becoming the healthiest state in the nation. Colorado has been awarded a $65 million grant from the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation to transform practices, test new models for payment and care delivery, and integrate primary care and behavioral health care. Colorado SIM welcomes your input and questions as they embark on this collaborative journey. 

RSVP to attend a presentation near you

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 2015 Bill Run Complete

Your October 2015 grant activity statement is now available. Please run your grant activity statement from eCaST using October 1-31 as your date parameters. Make sure to select fiscal year 2016. When choosing the contract type, select "WWC" for WWC clinical services or "CCGP" for the care coordination grant program

Please contact Nick Roth if you have questions regarding viewing your reports at

If you have questions about your bill or spending in general, contact your WWC program coordinator, either Flora Martinez, Ivy Hontz, or Kris McCracken.

Did you miss the October 15 Health Improvement Team (HIT) Call?

Don't worry! The recording is now available online

As indicated in the call, you will be receiving notification in the near future with the link to submit your agency's progress report. A training video and worksheet will be provided to ease the submission.

During the HIT call, identification of eligible women was discussed. Here are the questions that were covered:

Educational opportunity: New World Symposium

A well-prepared case management workforce is essential to better care, lower cost and healthier patient populations. Join CCMC January 21-23, 2016 for the first-ever New World Symposium:  New Terrain, Evolving Practice at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, NV. This conference is designed for allied health professionals across all practice settings interested in issues related to case management. Visit their website for additional information.

Narrative Matters: Poems On The Cancer Experience

Health Affairs held it's first poetry contest this past spring. Check out the three winning poems.

Say Yes to Understanding the Genetic Risks for Ovarian Cancer

The ANGEL Network/Juntas is hosting their quarterly program, "Say Yes to Understanding the Genetic Risks for Ovarian Cancer." The featured speaker is Dr. Dirk P. Pikaart, DO who specializes in Gynecologic Oncology.

Location: Centura Health - Penrose Saint Francis Health Services

Date and time:

Saturday, October 31st, 2015
11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
A complimentary lunch will be provided
(Please, specify dietary restrictions: Gluten Free, Vegetarian, or Diabetic)

Conference Rooms A, B, C (1st Floor)
Penrose Cancer Center
2222 N. Nevada, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Carolyn:  719-776-4542 /
Or visit the website:

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Get Your Women's Health Preventive Services Checklist!

As participants in the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative's (CCHI) k(NO)w Limits to Women's Health webinar learned, CCHI developed a card for women to keep with them that outlines the copay-free preventive services available to women through their health insurance plans. These double-sided 4x6" cards are available in English and Spanish! If you are interested in receiving printed card stock copies of these cards (for free!), please email with the number of cards in each language that you'd like so they can put you on the list.

Learning opportunity: Project ECHO Case Conferences

The opportunity is titled "Project ECHO Case Conferences: Identifying and Managing Patients at Risk for Cancer". "ECHO" stands for "Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes". Lectures are free and participation is all online.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Webinar: How the Affordable Care Act Helps Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Patients

This webinar will highlight how the Affordable Care Act has improved access to health care for transgender and gender non-conforming patients, best practices for navigating issues with insurance coverage and challenges that still face the community. The target audience is other HRSA grantees, healthcare providers, public health officials, and community advocates wanting to improve their competency in serving the needs of the transgender and gender non-conforming patients in their practices. Free registration in advance is required.

For more information, please contact Valerie Gallo at 415-437-8095 or

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Health Equity Learning Series: Opportunity, Community, and Health Equity

In September, professor john a. powell, director of the Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society presented in Denver at the Colorado Trust. The video is about an hour and a half, however I challenge you to take some time and listen. If you have already listened to the presentation, forward to friends and colleagues!

Did you attend the presentation in person? Did you watch the presentation recording? What were your major takeaways?

4 things you need for the Health Improvement Team (HIT) Call on Oct. 15 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

The October HIT Call is here. Here are four things you must know in preparation for the call.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Furry friends take on Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Here at CDPHE we LOVE our furry friends!

Does your agency need any of the following (free) materials?
Can you guess which animal belongs to which WWC team member? What are you doing at your agency to raise awareness? Share ideas below!

Funding Opportunity: Funding to serve target communities

Susan G. Komen Colorado will award Community Grants to eligible local non-profit organizations to provide breast health and breast cancer projects to individuals in the Affiliate’s service area between April 1, 2016, and March 31, 2017. Komen Colorado will award grants using a competitive review process to support evidence-based projects that contribute to the Affiliate’s overall goals of:

  • Increasing screening rates and access to care;
  • Reducing rates of late-stage diagnosis and breast cancer mortality;
  • Reducing disparities in breast cancer outcomes between populations;
  • Enhancing quality of life for patients;
  • Improving patients’ ability to progress along the breast cancer continuum of care in their local communities; and
  • Changing individuals’ knowledge of and decision-making about breast cancer risk, screening recommendations, and screening behaviors
Full details about this funding opportunity are available on Komen Colorado’s website