Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Clinical Corner - Second Biopsy Case

Question: We have a 44 year old that had multiple suspicious masses that were noted as microcalcifications on her mammogram report. Her ultrasound reports noted 5 hypoechoic masses with irregular margins and a Birads-5 result. Patient proceeded to have two left ultrasound guided core breast biopsies and a left breast ultrasound guided lymph node biopsy. Now that WWC will reimburse for a second breast biopsy on the same day, what should we enter in eCaST for proper reimbursement on this case?

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Are you interested in being a University of Colorado College of Nursing Preceptor?

The Women’s Health Care Nurse Practitioner (WHNP) program at the University of Colorado College of Nursing located at the Anschutz Medical Campus is recruiting new preceptors for their WHNP students. As a University of Colorado College of Nursing Preceptor, preceptors would receive the following benefits:

Friday, August 5, 2016

Clinical Corner - Cervical Expansion Case Study #1

Question: We had a 37 year old with self-reported history of abnormal Paps 9 years ago, but no documented follow-up. Current Pap was NILM and HPV genotyping 16 positive. I referred her for a colposcopy. The patient presented for a scheduled colposcopy with a different provider. This provider advised her the recommendation was to co-test in one year. The patient presented 6 months later with irregular bleeding and questions about the colposcopy. Her colposcopy was rescheduled, but through scheduling error, was scheduled with the provider who advised against colposcopy. My understanding is that if the Pap was normal, but HPV 16 or 18 were identified, that colposcopy is recommended per 2012 guidelines. Could you please clarify?

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Cancer Plan feedback requested

The Cancer Coalition would like you to fill out this brief survey on your experience with the Colorado Cancer Plan. Have you read it? Do you use it? How useful is it to your work (if at all)? Your feedback is important to help guide the Cancer Plan process in the coming years.

The Adelante! 5K Run/Walk is on Sunday, August 7

Clinica Tepeyac's Adelante! 5K Run/Walk is on Sunday, August 7. Register online!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

WWC Care Coordination final diagnosis and lost to follow-up in eCaST

Clients enrolled into the Care Coordination Grant Program (CCGP) follow the same final diagnosis and lost to follow-up guidance as those who are enrolled in Clinical Services. Please ensure that the Final Diagnosis section is completed for all WWC Care Coordination and Clinical Services clients. If the Final Diagnosis is “Lost to follow-up," three attempts or interventions to contact the client must also be documented in eCaST under Case Management Information.

Monday, August 1, 2016

Helping Cancer Survivors to End Tobacco Use and Improve Health Outcomes

Monday, August 29, 2016, 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. MST

Continued tobacco use by cancer patients and survivors may reduce the effectiveness of treatment and increase the likelihood of a second cancer. Continued smoking may also worsen side effects of treatment. Studies have shown however that 9.3% of all cancer survivors and 50% to 83% of cancer patients who are current smokers or recent former smokers at diagnosis continue to smoke or resume smoking after diagnosis.

The National Cancer Institute (NIH) is hosting a cyber-seminar in conjunction with the Comprehensive Cancer Control National Partnership in order to draw needed attention to this issue and support the work necessary to address this cancer control priority.

Reaching populations at greatest risk for tobacco use requires a robust understanding of the issues that they face. Dr. Diana Stewart Hoover and Dr. Jennifer Vidrine will describe the lessons they are learning as they seek to adapt an existing evidence-based tobacco cessation intervention, “Motivation And Problem-Solving” (MAPS), for cervical cancer survivors. Diana and Jennifer have identified several themes from a preliminary analysis of their study and will discuss how they are using these results to tailor interventions to reach a vulnerable and underserved population of young women. Their presentation will have broad applicability to others seeking to adapt evidence-based tobacco control programs

Comprehensive cancer control programs can play a vital role is facilitating the systemic changes necessary to support tobacco cessation initiatives. To this end, Dr. Elisa Tong and Shauntay Davis, MPH, will discuss the upcoming “Tobacco Cessation in Cancer Prevention and Treatment: A Call to Action for California Cancer Centers.” This document highlights gaps in cessation services and identifies opportunities and resources for improving tobacco treatment and cessation services in oncology settings with a specific focus on the context in California.

The final part of the webinar will be dedicated to Q&A and discussion and will offer an opportunity to engage with the presenters, and also to share your own experiences and thoughts.