Tuesday, September 29, 2015

WWC team attends Komen Race for the Cure

WWC's Program Manager and Nurse Consultant were joined by one of WWC's Screening Systems Specialists, Tiffany Reed, at Komen Colorado's Race for the Cure last weekend. This is one of many opportunities throughout the year that WWC works to promote the program.

Please tell us some of the ways your agency provides outreach to promote WWC! You can use the comments section below.

(Free) Training Opportunities from the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative!

  • Online course - Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease

Chronic diseases affect our physical bodies, but also have an emotional, social and psychological impact. This 7-week online course helps patient navigators understand their role and how to help patients and their caregivers deal with complex emotional issues related to chronic disease.

Date/Time: October 18 - December 6
Online Class
Register for Level 2: Emotional and Social Aspects of Disease

  • Level 2: Advanced Health Literacy: Making Health Information More Accessible - Durango  

Are you interested in practicing strategies to modify your written and verbal communication in order to increase patient understanding of health information? This 1-day workshop will be highly interactive and activity-based!

Date/Time: October 19, 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Location: Durango
Register for Level 2: Advanced Health Literacy - Durango

  • Level 2: Advanced Motivational Interviewing for Patient Navigators - Montrose

This advanced level motivational interviewing (MI) course builds on the fundamental concepts and basic skills learned in the Patient Navigator Fundamentals course.
expand your skills related to the strategic use of questions and reflections
build upon and deepen client change talk.

Date/Time: October 23, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: Montrose, CO
Register for Level 2: Advanced Motivational Interviewing

  • Level 1: Patient Navigator Fundamentals - Pueblo

Date/Time: November 2 - 4th, 8:30am - 5:00pm
Location: The Pueblo Latino Chamber of Commerce, Pueblo
Register for Level 1: Patient Navigator Fundamentals - Pueblo 

Please visit the event calendar and news section for the most up-to-date information on workshops and trainings.

2 Webinar Opportunities from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

  • Special Enrollment Periods and Resources for the Uninsured)
September 29 at 3:00 pm ET
(2:00 pm CDT, 1:00 pm MDT, Noon PDT)

Individuals and families can enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace during special enrollment periods if they experience certain circumstances. Special Enrollment Period circumstances include graduating from college and losing health insurance, getting married or divorced or having a baby, losing employer insurance or turning 26 and losing coverage on a parent’s health plan. Join this webinar to learn more about special enrollment periods and how to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace. For those who are uninsured and don’t qualify for the special enrollment period, learn what resources are available and when to enroll in the Health Insurance Marketplace.

  • Best Practices in ACA Outreach and Enrollment
October 8 from 2 pm – 3:30 pm ET
(1:00 pm CT, Noon MT, 11:00 am PT)

Learn from faith leaders who have conducted successful outreach and enrollment campaigns before and during open enrollment. On October 8, we will hear from Abrar Quader from the Compassionate Care Network (CCN) which helped enroll people who are Muslim, Hindu and Sikh. CCN received a navigator grant from the Illinois state marketplace.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Clinical Corner - 3D Mammography Reimbursement

Question: Does WWC reimburse for 3D mammography (i.e. tomosynthesis)? What are the tomosynthesis CPT codes we should be aware of?

Study: False-Positive Mammogram Result and Psychosocial Consequences

Currently, mammograms are one of the best methods for detecting breast cancer at an early stage. We also know that side effects from mammography screening can occur. This article from MedlinePlus, a website from the U.S. National Library of Medicine, discusses the rate of five psychosocial consequences that occur due to false-positive mammogram results. The article is based on a Swedish study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (August 2015). WWC’s guidance includes having a detailed conversation with patients to discuss potential harms and benefits, before referring for screening mammography. This is particularly important in women 40-49 years of age.

Quick Guide: BCCP Medicaid

Do you have a question about Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) eligibility? Do you need to know how to apply for BCCP if your client was diagnosed with an eligible diagnosis outside of a WWC clinic?

Colorado’s Department of Health Care Policy and Finance (HCPF) BCCP website will assist you in determining BCCP eligibility and income limits, as well as the benefits and services available once approved. If your client was not diagnosed through a WWC clinic, you will find a step-list on how to apply as a non-WWC BCCP, including the Non-WWC Provider Attestation form.

As always, you can also contact your program coordinator or the nurse consultant for assistance with BCCP and questions or concerns.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Health is Primary Denver City Tour

There will be an interactive discussion on how Colorado is working to make health primary. Participants will hear from local leaders who are building a strong primary care system and delivering on the Triple Aim of better health and quality at a lower cost. 

An opening breakfast reception will begin at 8:45 a.m. The presentation, panel discussions and Q&A will begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at noon. 

Moderated By: T.R. Reid, Author, Documentary Filmmaker and Reporter

Hosted By: Glen Stream, M.D., President and Board Chair, Family Medicine for America’s Health

Health is Primary campaign information.

More information and to register, click here.

Promote preventive services for your Medicaid clients

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is offering a set of engaging materials to help Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries understand and access preventive services available to them.

Living Well is a set of outreach and education materials that connects preventive care in the clinical setting with everyday life. The Living Well toolkit features a number of customizable posters, fact sheets, social media posts, and strategies for getting the word out about Medicaid coverage of preventive services.

Visit the Medicaid website for a toolkit, posters, factsheets, social media graphics, and image library. 

7 (FREE) Cervical and Breast Screening Podcasts

Are you in need of brief, but informative cervical, HPV and/or breast screening podcasts for staff training or patient education? Below is a list of podcasts that may be helpful. They range between 1:15 and 8:14 minutes in length and can all be found on the CDC’s website.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

How you doin'? A new way to report your progress!

This fiscal year, Women’s Wellness Connection (WWC) will be changing the format of the periodic progress reports for Clinical Services and Care Coordination contracts. Instead of WWC generating progress reports every four months, we created a new report to empower your agency to take ownership of your program progress, while keeping lines of communication open with CDPHE staff. We understand the format is different than you may be used to with WWC. This report will provide agencies the opportunity to thoughtfully review progress and communicate successes and struggles. We also anticipate it will reduce some of the sporadic back and forth communication between your agency and WWC. 

In the past, WWC had to complete CMS three times per year. Beginning this fiscal year, CMS will be completed annually. The modification in CMS schedule has allowed for the program to make these changes. The prior version of the progress report will be provided annually with CMS.

In the new reporting format, agencies will report on WWC contracts awarded (clinical services, care coordination, or both). To assist in the reporting transition you may use the worksheet that will be provided to you via email on October 1. WWC encourages you to review the worksheet prior to the Health Improvement Team (HIT) Call on Oct. 15 and engage in discussion with the WWC at that time. There will be a training video on how to complete the progress report produced by October 31.

Please communicate with your WWC program coordinator to ensure only one report is submitted per agency. Reports will be due back to WWC on November 15.

One week remaining to provide feedback on the Cancer Plan!

The Comprehensive Cancer Team at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) is leading the process of updating the Colorado Cancer Plan, a five-year plan to reduce the burden of cancer in Colorado. 

Through September 30, please visit the Colorado Cancer Plan web page, review the plan and make comments through an online survey. You can comment on the specific sections that relate to your work or give feedback on the entire plan. 

Thank you very much for your time and effort in this important process. Please share this message with your colleagues and partners with interest in cancer. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at cdphe_cancerplan@state.co.us. The team looks forward to your comments.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Webinar: How the Affordable Care Act Helps Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Patients

This webinar will highlight how the Affordable Care Act has improved access to health care for transgender and gender non-conforming patients, best practices for navigating issues with insurance coverage and challenges that still face the community. The target audience is other HRSA grantees, healthcare providers, public health officials, and community advocates wanting to improve their competency in serving the needs of the transgender and gender non-conforming patients in their practices. Free registration in advance is required.

Date and Time: Wednesday, October 14, 2015 10:00 – 11:30 am (PST)

For more information, please contact Valerie Gallo at 415-437-8095 or vgallo@hrsa.gov.

Register online! 

Valerie Gallo, MPH - Public Health Analyst
HRSA Region IX Office of Regional Operations - San Francisco, CA

Improving Access to Care Through Better Policy
Anand Kalra – Health Programs Administrator
Transgender Law Center – Oakland, CA

Boots on Ground Impact of ACA Coverage for Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Primary Care Patients
Kelly Ducheny, Psy.D. – Senior Director of Behavioral Health Howard Brown Health Center- Chicago, IL

Helping our Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Primary Care Patients Navigate Insurance and ACA Coverage
Cassie Warren - Youth Health Benefits Counselor
Howard Brown Health Center’s Broadway Youth

*Please share with your networks and stakeholders who may be interested in participating this webinar!

4 Training Opportunities brought to you by Patient Navigator Training Collaborative

Did you know that the Patient Navigator Training Collaborative (PNTC) offers FREE training? Please keep in mind, training offered by PNTC are completely optional, however the Women's Wellness Connection program supports your participation.

Here is an overview of what is coming up on the calendar:

Training Opportunity: Comprehensive Colposcopy

ASCCP is offering comprehensive colposcopy training in October!

October 7-10, 2015
Sheraton Charlotte Hotel
Charlotte, North Carolina

Register and Earn CME Credits.

Upon completion of this course you can earn 22.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Who should attend?
Beginning/intermediate colposcopist who need updated information on:

  • 2012 Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines
  • Updated Consensus Guidelines for Managing Abnormal Cervical Cancer Screening Tests and Cancer Precursor.
  • New concepts about HPV screening and triage, treatment methods, and HPV epidemiology.
Register now!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Guidance on referring a client into WWC

Referring a client into WWC for diagnostics is a unique type of referral:  
  • A WWC diagnostic referral occurs when a client has screening procedures paid using non-WWC funds and is subsequently enrolled in WWC for coverage of her diagnostic work-up.
  • When referring a client in for WWC diagnostics, select “Referred in for Diagnostic Evaluation” in the Current Pap Reason or Current Mammogram Reason field in the Medical History Section.
  • The date of Mamm or Pap referral should match the date of the first WWC funded diagnostic procedure.
  • Enter all screen procedures. Note that they must be non-WWC funded. If your organization is requesting reimbursement for screening procedures, change the Current Mam/Pap reason from “Referred in for Diagnostic Evaluation” to a more appropriate selection.
  • After entering the screening procedures funded by a source other than WWC, enter the WWC-funded diagnostic procedures.
  • Entering a Final Diagnosis is required for all clients referred into WWC for diagnostics.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Brand New B7 for CCGP!

Hello CCGP eCaST Users ☺   It’s your Data Coordinator, Nick Roth, here with a reminder on the changes coming to CCGP billing levels.  

Many of you provided feedback on lack of payment for CCGP cases when no mammogram is provided. We have heard you and are adding a new CCGP B7 level to reimburse $15 when health education and/or a clinical breast exam (CBE) are completed without a mammogram. The new bundles will look like this:

B 7
Patient navigation to a completed breast cancer screening office visit.
B 8
Patient navigation to a completed screening mammogram.
B 9
Case management to a final diagnosis. The final diagnosis may be cancer or non-cancer.

Follow me on this one: 

Those cases with an error which used to be deleted due to the client not coming in for their mammogram after their CBE will now instead achieve a B7 pay out! 

What used to be a B7, will now be a B8… and you guessed it, the former B8 will become the brand-new level B9! 

The Takeaway:  Do not worry about the CCGP error “CCGP breast screenings must have a mammogram,” as this error will eventually, magically turn from a dreaded red triangle to an awesome green box with a 7 in it!

Note:  this transition with be retroactive to June 30, but applies only to fiscal year 2016 clients, so only clients with CBEs on July 1, 2015 to present. 

One more thing:  Have a lovely day!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Two easy steps to enrolling a client in the Care Coordination Grant Program

Your agency has now gone through or is in the middle of the contracting process with CDPHE for the Care Coordination Grant Program (CCGP). That is the most difficult part. Enrolling clients into CCGP and getting paid for things you are already doing, well that’s a no-brainer on your part. Follow my quick, two step process to enrolling a client into CCGP:

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Provider Revalidation and Enrollment Made Easy!

Beginning September 15, 2015, all Colorado providers who want to continue, or begin, providing services to Medicaid and CHP+ members after March 31, 2016 will be required to revalidate and enroll under new federal enrollment screening criteria. To meet these new requirements, as well as to ensure that you are enrolled in HCPF's new claims processing system, Colorado providers must revalidate using the new Online Provider Enrollment (OPE) tool. Although the new OPE tool will launch in September of 2015, HCPF is asking that you complete your revalidation during your assigned revalidation and enrollment wave.

Monday, September 7, 2015

How to find your last FY2015 bill

Care Coordination Grant Program (CCGP) agencies should be expecting checks for their end of year grant activity statement soon! This statement was generated on July 31, 2015 and can be a little tricky to find in eCaST.

To view your statement in eCaST run the Grant Activity report by selecting:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

WWC Road Shows are coming to a town near you!

This fiscal year, the Women's Wellness Connection program will be holding two Road Shows, one in Glenwood Springs (Oct. 20, 2015) and one in Colorado Springs (Oct. 27, 2015). Topics may include: marketing, program coordinator overview, motivational interviewing 101, networking, and health and wellness at work. The topics and content will be different than the previous road shows. WWC will offer mileage reimbursement to a limited number of participants attending a WWC Road Show based on available funding. Official agenda will follow via email two weeks prior to each road show.

Important note: each road show will be limited to 60 participants on a first come, first serve basis. Please be thoughtful when deciding which one to attend.

Registration will close on Oct. 5, 2015 at 5:00 pm or when the maximum number of participants is met.

Register today!

Training opportunity: Building Better Health: Enroll 2015

The statewide health coverage open enrollment event, Building Better Health: Enroll 2015, is quickly approaching. The event is sponsored by Colorado Health Foundation.

4 Resources for Helping Clients Understand Insurance

The Care Coordination Grant Program focuses on insured clients, including helping them understand and use their insurance. This is something that may be new to them (and to you as you assist them), here are four resources we've found about helping the newly insured understand insurance, in no particular order.