WWC uses ASCCP cervical guidelines and algorithms for cervical management and the 2011 Breast Cancer Diagnostic Algorithms for Primary Care Providers for breast management. These algorithms can be found here:
- USPSTF breast cancer screening recommendations (2009)
- Draft breast cancer screening recommendations (2015)
There are a few policies that are specific to WWC, including the Clinical Concordance policy and the Targeted Screening Mammogram policy. Please review the documents below for more information on these policies.
- WWC Clinical Concordance Policy
- WWC Targeted Screening Mammogram Resources:
If your agency is also a WISEWOMAN agency, the following links are helpful in learning about the clinical aspects of the program.
- WISEWOMAN Program Manual (pages 1-22)
- JNC-7 Reference Care (Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure)
- 2013 ACC/AHA Guidelines on Assessment of Cardiovascular Risks and Treatment of Blood Cholesterol to Reduce Atherosclerotic Risk
- 2014 ADA Standards of Care in Diabetes
Please feel free to contact WWC's nurse consultant for more information at Angela.FellersLeMire@state.co.us.
These are good resources for case managers, too!